Episode 140
Season 28 – Production code 16D5
Written by John S. Drew
Are you tired of life? Bored? Looking for some adventure? New frontiers to conquer? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We are The Time Brokers. We can relocate you to any place in any time you desire. Travel back to the wild frontiers of the 1880s when the American West was still wild. Or go forward a thousand years or so and see what life will be like when the next generation of technology takes hold. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to rule a planet. We can arrange that, too. Here at The Time Brokers, all of time and space is yours for the asking.
Simply make an appointment with the appointment drone and we’ll contact you to arrange your perfect time and space.
Payment? Not a problem. We can work with any budget. In fact, we require no down at all. All we ask is that, once your lease is up at the end of a generous fifty years, you simply turn over to us a single possession: YOURSELF!
Running time 73 minutes
mp3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4